Flashlight Egg Hunt

April 11 @ 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Location: Bower Elementary School, 4S241 River Road, Warrenville
Grab your flashlight and come join us for an EGGciting time hunting for candy-filled eggs! The bunny has dropped off “special” eggs to turn in for prizes. Only those hunting eggs need to register.
The Bunny will be there for photos – bring your camera!
Event will be held rain, shine, or snow! It will only be postponed/rescheduled if there is a threat of severe weather.
Egg Hunt Times:
Special Needs 7:30P
Ages 0-3 7:40P
Ages 4-6 7:50P
Ages 7-9 8:00P
Ages 10-12 8:10P
Ages 13+ 8:20P
*Egg Hunts begin promptly at each listed time.
Fee per egg hunter: $6 Res / $9 Non-Res
Sponsored by: Planned Financial Independence Co.